Thursday, November 18, 2021

CNN's Bakari Sellers Lies About Kyle Rittenhouse 4 TIMES in 14 Seconds. It's Impressive, Really

CNN's Bakari Sellers Lies About Kyle Rittenhouse 4 TIMES in 14 Seconds. It's Impressive, Really
Brodigan - November 18, 2021 at 07:28AM

The Kyle Rittenhouse jury is still deliberating. Things might take longer than they should. The jury wants to rewatch all the footage they should have been paying attention to DURING THE F*CKING TRIAL. But I digress. In the middle of Wednesday's confusion, Judge Schroeder expressed how "disturbing" the media coverage of the trial was. I don't know if he was talking specifically about CNN's Bakari Sellers. I don't know if Joe Rogan was referring to Sellers when he said the media is part of a left-wing cult. CNN's sellers, while covering news on CNN, lied about Rittenhouse four times in fourteen seconds.

If a kid's life wasn't on the line and lies like this weren't a reason why the jury hasn't acquitted Kyle yet, I would almost find this impressive.

The Daily Caller reports that Sellers, who works for CNN, appears to have gotten his news from DL Hughley, a comedian and a meme Hughley shared on his Instagram account. The lie that "Kyle's mama" drove him to the riot as been traced back to that meme Whenever Sellers or anyone else in the media refers to that "fact," they are referring to a comedian's meme.

Everything else has been disproven during the trial. A trial that Bakari Sellers, who works for CNN, has not been paying attention to. He also hasn't been paying attention to CNN. CNN, the network Sellers works for, hosted Gaige Grosskreutz to explain what he meant when Gaige said he "pointed a gun at Kyle first."

It's been over a year. There has been evidence and sworn testimony. Yet CNN is still LYING about Kyle Rittenenhhouse. Four times in fourteen seconds. Based off of not facts, but a comedian's meme. This is what Judge Schroeder meant by "disturbing."

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