Monday, November 22, 2021

Illinois Democrat Politicizes Waukesha Tragedy: It’s Karma for Kyle Rittenhouse

Illinois Democrat Politicizes Waukesha Tragedy: It’s Karma for Kyle Rittenhouse
Joseph Gunderson - November 22, 2021 at 08:43AM

The bodies aren't even cold yet and the ghoulish left is already making light of the situation. Illinois Democrat Mary Lemanski, social media director for the Democratic Party in DuPage County, wasted no time whatsoever before poking jokes about the five dead and 40 injured at the hands of Darrell Brooks Jr.

"It was probably just self-defense. #Wisconsin #KyleRittenhouse"

In replies to her tweet, which has since been deleted, she continued her vile and insensitive comments. Luckily, a forward-thinking Twitter user archived her repugnant behavior here.

"It's unreal someone can kill someone on video and be found not guilty on ALL accounts."

"I'm sad. I'm sad anytime anyone dies. I just believe in Karma and this came around quick on the citizens on Wisconsin."

This disgusting hag is obviously referencing the outcome of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, which ended with the jury finding him not guilty on all charges. Lemanski, like most left-wing, ignorant worms, obviously didn't like the outcome. And though she hasn't been the only one discovering new and more ridiculous ways of voicing her twisted emotions via social media, this may be the most tasteless.

It goes without saying, the lack of compassion in situations where the left can make political hay is astounding but hardly surprising. The blood cult that is the Democratic Party finds value in human life only insofar as it can be used for their ends, and Lemanski proves as much.

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