Thursday, November 18, 2021

WHOA: Rittenhouse Jury Bus Followed by NBC Journalist, Judge BANS MSNBC from Rittenhouse Courtroom

WHOA: Rittenhouse Jury Bus Followed by NBC Journalist, Judge BANS MSNBC from Rittenhouse Courtroom
Joseph Gunderson - November 18, 2021 at 12:14PM

The media might be tired of waiting to see if all their lying about Kyle Rittenhouse has paid off. Randos sending threats to the judge didn't work, and neither did someone attempting to film the jurors, more than likely for the purpose of threatening or doxing them. So now, the media is taking matters into their own hands. Their hatchet jobs didn't sway the judge too much, so they're going for the jury.

Reported by Kenosha News, a producer from NBC was caught attempting to photograph the jurors as they traveled to the courthouse early Thursday morning. Identifying himself as James Morrison, he told police he was assigned to follow the bus by Irene Byon, his boss in New York. Irene's LinkedIn page was deleted while we were writing this.

After the incident, Judge Schroeder quickly moved to ban the network from the courtroom for the remainder of the proceedings.

The trial has been plagued with incidents ranging from those meant to intimidate the jurors and judge to misconduct on the side of the prosecution, and the nation still waits for the jury to return with a verdict as the third day of deliberations continues.

Needless to say, crowds are growing restless outside the courthouse as the Wisconsin National Guard waits a not-so-short distance away.

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