Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Ted Cruz Hammers Stephen Colbert: Rich Libs Using Kyle Rittenhouse to Take Away YOUR Right to Self Defense

Ted Cruz Hammers Stephen Colbert: Rich Libs Using Kyle Rittenhouse to Take Away YOUR Right to Self Defense
Brodigan - November 23, 2021 at 01:04PM

Kyle Rittenhouse said he wasn't on trial, but that Americans' right to self-defense was on trial. As Stephen Colbert and Ted Cruz are about to show us, he was right. Unlike other idiot celebrities talking out of their rectums, as if they have no idea how the law works, Colbert admits he doesn't understand laws. But he wants them changed anyway. So the next time a law-abiding citizen finds himself attacked by three violent rioters, he can be killed. Colbert would rather that happen instead of the law-abiding citizen being allowed to protect himself.

"If he didn't break the law, we should change the law."

M'kay. If the law was changed, Kyle Rittenhouse would be dead right now. Angry rioters, including the Democratic Party's favorite pedophile, made that clear. This delivery guy would be dead, too. As would anyone else who is unable to protect their families or themselves. Instead of using Kyle Rittenhouse to push the left's bullsh!t "white supremacy" talking points, they're going to use him to strip gun rights from law-abiding citizens.

Ted Cruz is not amused.

"Rich Democrats believe you have no right to defend yourself from an angry mob. He was being violently attacked by three dangerous felons; a jury of his peers found that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. What Colbert is arguing is to outlaw the ability to defend oneself."

This is obviously where the left is going next. Their attorneys have all warned them against calling Kyle a "white supremacist" and any of the other lies they've been spreading. The only thing left is a gun control push. Get ready.

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