Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Hints at Suing Media: 'I Have Really Good Lawyers ...'

Kyle Rittenhouse Hints at Suing Media: 'I Have Really Good Lawyers ...'
Brodigan - November 23, 2021 at 07:06AM

The reason so many people believe so many things that aren't true about Kyle Rittenhouse is because so many things that weren't true kept being reported. People who paid attention knew it was a clear case of self-defense. People who got their news from CNN, MSNBC, and other leftist blue-checkmark douchelords thought the worst. Even while the trial was going on, the media continued lying. Defamation cases are hard to prove, but Rittenhouse is going for it anyway.

"I'm hoping one day there will be some-- there'll be accountability for their actions that they did... I have really good lawyers who are handling that."

The interesting thing here is there are two groups of invalid truths: You had the year's worth of misinformation spread by liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) prior to the trial. Then you had the crap spewed during the trial, ignoring all the facts of the trial. CNN lied four times in 14 seconds. Kyle's last attorney is on record blasting MSNBC. Joy Reid is... well, Joy Reid. For Kyle, it's a target-rich environment. There are many people to go after for defaming him (cough::Joe Biden::cough). I'll let his really good lawyers decide which ones to go after.

My advice to everyone is to sit back and start popping popcorn, now. Things are going to get entertaining.

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