Monday, November 29, 2021

DOOCY Bombs Psaki: Why Should People Follow Biden's Mask Orders When Biden Doesn't Follow Biden's Orders?

DOOCY Bombs Psaki: Why Should People Follow Biden's Mask Orders When Biden Doesn't Follow Biden's Orders?
Brodigan - November 29, 2021 at 01:47PM

You knew it was coming. The Omnicron Variant coming to devour the planet was going to cause more mask panic. South Park foretold this. Joe Biden mumbled today that you should wear a mask indoors at all times. Unless you're eating... or talking into a microphone. Yes, he specified talking into a microphone. Then walked away without wearing a mask. DOOCY addressed the matter to White House Spokessoulessginger Jen Psaki, pointing to another "Biden is confused about wearing masks" incident from over the weekend.

Here is that exchange, followed by my dramatic interpretation.

DOOCY: What's with Joe Biden lecturing people about wearing masks, then not following his own guidelines. Are the guidelines steeped in that old-timey "the science" or not?

PSAKI: Haven't I been over this with you?

DOOCY: Yes. This president gets confused a lot.

PSAKI: The president believes whatever the CDC tells him to believe that day?

DOOCY: Did the CDC tell him you can catch the 'rona from taking a selfie, but not sticking his maskless face in someone else's maskless face?

PSAKI: I hate you, so, so hard. It's a special kind of hate, too.

It's simple. It's not that they're hypocrites. It's that they don't care that you know they're hypocrites. You can tell in the smug tone of Psaki's voice. They want you to follow rules they don't follow themselves unless they know there are cameras on them. It's not about science. It's about control. Joe Biden isn't that concerned about masking up. You shouldn't be either.

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