Sunday, November 28, 2021

ASU Students Crack, Call for Kyle Rittenhouse to be Thrown Out of University ... That He Attends Online

ASU Students Crack, Call for Kyle Rittenhouse to be Thrown Out of University ... That He Attends Online
Joseph Gunderson - November 28, 2021 at 07:58AM

I didn't realize Kyle Rittenhouse was in college. Some other people did, though, and they aren't happy about it. Students at Arizona State University are not calling for Rittenhouse to be withdrawn from the school, in addition to a handful of other demands they believe will allow the institution to atone for even allowing Kyle to attend. How dare they!

In addition to kicking Rittenhouse to the curb, the students demand the school release a statement condemning white supremacy and Rittenhouse, even though the case had nothing to do with race, and no evidence was ever brought to bear demonstrating Rittenhouse had any racist proclivities.

They want the school to "reaffirm support for the multicultural center," defunding the campus police and pledging it to the center—again, even though this has nothing to do with Rittenhouse or the case. These ignorant, petulant, whiny children just seem to be mouthing the same rote talking points and platitudes their masters find acceptable.

The students claim that, regardless of the verdict, Rittenhouse is a murderer. Well, I hope none of these imbeciles are pre-law because that isn't how this works. But then, one expects nothing less from cognitively handicapped college kids these days.

I'm not a fan of universities, and I don't think Kyle needs to attend a university for any real reason. He'll certainly be a wealthy young man after the media pays out for slandering him for over a year. But I'm torn. Should the university cave and give Kyle the boot, adding themselves to the list of organizations for Kyle to crush on his justified lawsuit crusade? Or should they do the right thing and tell the idiots in their midst to shut up and get back to studying for their final exams?

Maybe Kyle can stay at the university while adding the organizers to his list of lawsuits. Then we get the best of both worlds!

from Steven Crowder Says