Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Canadian Teachers’ Union Solves Systemic Racism...by Making White Votes Count Less

Canadian Teachers’ Union Solves Systemic Racism...by Making White Votes Count Less
Joseph Gunderson - November 23, 2021 at 01:11PM

After a vote that allegedly won 68% member support, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation has decided to change their voting rules to make votes cast by members identifying as "non-white" count more than those who are white.

Why was this done? Allegedly "[members] that do not identify as 'non-white' have direct power over the outcome of representation within committees, maintaining the status quo." Thus, the only way to overturn supposed systemic racism is to actually institute systemic racism. Makes sense. The federation will weigh votes according to race, ensuring all white votes cap at 50%.

The voting was contentious, however, with many members pointing out that the move was blatant "reverse racism." To silence these dissenters, the president of the union labeled the phrase "harmful and a form of harassment." The members were also reported principals for violating schools' harmful language policies.

Canada, a nation led by a man who repeatedly sported blackface, is leading the charge into a dystopian future of speech rules, religious persecution, and socialist deprivation. It's basically a leftist paradise—or, as rational people like to call it, a terrible hellscape.

This is what America has to look forward to with the leftist push for "equity." And with our teachers' unions being as crooked as they are, I don't see this kind of move as being too far off.

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