Monday, November 29, 2021

Jack Dorsey Expected to Step Down as Twitter CEO: Here's Our Top 5 'Jack Dorsey is a Clown' Moments

Jack Dorsey Expected to Step Down as Twitter CEO: Here's Our Top 5 'Jack Dorsey is a Clown' Moments
Brodigan - November 29, 2021 at 09:51AM

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is expected to step down from the company today. As CEO, Dorsey oversaw the least popular social media platform with oversized influence because of how many leftist nincompoops confused it for real news. No word out on why or when Dorsey will step down. As we wait for Jack and his stupid beard to make it official, let's take a trip down memory lane.

1. Hunter Biden's laptop

Ah, yes. The story about Hunter Biden's laptop that Twitter unilaterally called fake news, that turned out to be 100% accurate. Twitter, under @Jack, blocked the New York Post out of their Twitter account for that one.

2. Getting slapped around by Ted Cruz

This happened not once but on two different occasions. Yes, we all would have preferred seeing some action coming out of these hearings. That doesn't make this any less enjoyable to watch.

3. Giving Colin Kaepernick Three Million Dollars

Kaepernick, apparently being the only social justice activist that white liberals know, was given a ton of money from @Jack to do social justice things. Not sure what Kap did with the money. After @Jack got to check off the box, I don't think he cared.

4. That time Dorsey thought his beard warded off ISIS

From Vanity Fairy: "A source who worked with him told me Dorsey had sent a rapper his beard shavings to make him an amulet that would protect him from evildoers.”

5. Getting smacked around by Tim Pool and Joe Rogan

In 2019, Jack Dorsey and one of his lawyers went on Joe Rogan's podcast to answer charges of the leftist bias @Jack claimed Twitter didn't have. I don't think he was expecting Tm Pool:

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