Thursday, November 18, 2021

Caitlyn Jenner Releases Hilarious New Anti-Biden 'LGBTQ' T-Shirt, But Not Everyone Finds it Amusing

Caitlyn Jenner Releases Hilarious New Anti-Biden 'LGBTQ' T-Shirt, But Not Everyone Finds it Amusing
Brodigan - November 18, 2021 at 07:03AM

When Bruce Jenner announced he was Caitlyn Jenner, she became an icon in the LGBTQ community. She also discovered there are too many rules to remain a member in good standing. Feelings don't care about your facts. Jokes aren't allowed. And you aren't allowed to disagree with the collective's opinion, even if that opinion has nothing to do with being L, G, B, T, and/or Q. So, Jenner said "f*ck this sh!t." She outed herself as a Republican. Now, she's taking a cue from her stepdaughter and getting involved with fashion. Jenner announced a new line of anti-Joe Biden shirts.

Peep the acronym:

You see, what's funny here is that "LGBTQ" usually stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer." Yet Jenner, who is a "T," has changed the acronym to say "Let's Get Biden to Quit." Though I'm not sure if she is still a part of the community or if George Takei, who is a "G," succeeded in having her excommunicated.

She also has the letters written in rainbow colors, a design that has been culturally appropriated by the LGBTQ community. Or the "2SLGBTQQIA+" community if you listen to Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau. But this is America.

Of course, not everyone is amused. Just peruse the comments:

"Fail. Just like your Political Campaign. (wave emoji)"
"How about we get you too [sic]."
Let's get caitlyn [sic] to get over it."
"This is embarrassing."
"Stop using the community to gain political popularity. ta xx"

We'll see how long the link remains in the bio to sell the shirt. Or if activists threaten to boycott the shirt maker, the silk screener, the web hosting service, and whatever farmer raised the sheep they sheered to get the cotton to make the shirt. Cheers to Caitlyn Jenner though. She's got balls.

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