Wednesday, November 17, 2021

New Data Shows Americans Don't Find Joe Biden, Who's Really Old, to Be 'Mentally Fit' or 'Stable'

New Data Shows Americans Don't Find Joe Biden, Who's Really Old, to Be 'Mentally Fit' or 'Stable'
Brodigan - November 17, 2021 at 11:40AM

Joe Biden's seventy-ninth birthday is Saturday. What do you get the man who has everything except for coherency and continence? I'd suggest a day where he can sniff children, watch "Golden Girls", and not be reminded how much the American people think he sucks at life. That's Sunday. Today, we have a Politico/Morning Consult poll that follows a trend of voters telling pollsters their president isn't competent or able to handle a crisis. Now, they are questioning his brain. Or, at least, the parts of his brain that aren't pudding.

Per Politico:

  • 50% of Americans say Joe Biden ISNT STABLE, vs. 44% that say he is.
  • 50% say Biden ISN'T IN GOOD HEALTH, vs. 40% that say he is.
  • 48% say Biden ISN'T MENTALLY FIT, vs 46% that say he is.

Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster who has surveyed for Biden, blames the bad polling on, of course, conservative media and social media. And THAT is bleeding into the mainstream media a smidge. Quote: "By and large, the people who believe this are Trump supporters anyway or they've been exposed to the right-wing disinformation machine."

The swing is mostly independent voters, ALL OF WHOM had access to the same right-wing media in 2020. Yet, they voted for Biden anyway. Now, those voters are realizing what a colossal f*cking mistake that was and are being vocal about it. Democrats claim those same voters suddenly discovered Steven Crowder and Clay Travis. Not because they are paying attention to their pocketbooks, bank accounts, and the fact they have functioning eyes and ears.

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