Saturday, November 20, 2021

Joe Biden Claims to 'Stand By' Rittenhouse Jury, Then Someone Changes His Mind and He Says He's 'Angry'

Joe Biden Claims to 'Stand By' Rittenhouse Jury, Then Someone Changes His Mind and He Says He's 'Angry'
Brodigan - November 20, 2021 at 07:02AM

For a brief moment on Friday, Joe Biden wasn't a douche. Our puddingheaded president was asked about the Kyle Rittenhouse decision, where a jury of his peers found him not guilty on all counts. Keep in mind, Biden MAYHAPS has a lawsuit in his future for defaming Kyle as a "white supremacist." Here's Biden being asked about the decision, without anyone nearby pulling his strings.

"I stand by what the jury has concluded. The jury system works, and we have to abide by it."

Well, thank you, Mr. Presdient. That was the best response we could expect from you ... wait, it's an hour later?

"...the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included..."

The rest of the statement is your usual bullplop, concluding with Biden begging his supporters not to try to burn down Kenosha again. I'm just wondering what changed Joe Biden's mind over the course of an hour. Or if Joe Biden even knows his mind was changed. Because he could have left it alone. "The jury has spoken." "We must abide by it." I would have liked to have heard "And I was a shmuck for everything I said about Kyle." But you blog about the president you have, not necessarily the president you need.

Then someone on Biden's behalf added he was angry and concerned about... the result of a trial he also claimed not to watch? Now, we have an open question until they accidentally let DOOCY ask Biden about it: what about the trial makes him angry and concerned? It sounds like Joe Biden is angry the jury found Kyle not guilty and did so based on the evidence presented to them that he acted in self-defense--y'know, like a jury is supposed to do--instead of condemning Rittenhouse based on the lies Biden's handlers and the media (but I repeat myself) spread about Kyle and the facts surrounding what happened.

That's an ungood opinion for a president of the United States to have. It's worse when it's a president who may not know any of the facts, or even know that's what his opinion is.

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from Steven Crowder Says