Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Watch: Norway Wishes You a Woke Christmas with a Gay Santa Claus

Watch: Norway Wishes You a Woke Christmas with a Gay Santa Claus
Joseph Gunderson - November 30, 2021 at 02:04PM

A new woke Christmas-themed advertisement has come out, just in time to ruin everything. This time, the Norwegian postal service has decided that the best way to market its services is to make Santa Claus a homosexual who is apparently cheating on Mrs. Claus with some guy every Christmas.

In an ad entitled, “When Harry Met Santa,” an emaciated Santa—presumably suffering from some mysterious sexually transmitted disease that may or may not be known for causing such a gaunt appearance—engages in an emotionally intimate relationship with a man until he can finally get the post office to give him a hand. And with the spare time he has, well, he chooses to use it making out with another man.

from Steven Crowder Says