Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Confused Joe Biden, Who Demands You Mask Up Indoors, Can't Figure Out When to Wear His Over and Over Again

Confused Joe Biden, Who Demands You Mask Up Indoors, Can't Figure Out When to Wear His Over and Over Again
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 12:11PM

I was at a Luke Combs concert last night. Both a "F*ck Joe Biden" and a "Let's Go Brandon" chant broke out. It was nice to take part, as opposed to just writing about it. That has nothing to do with this post other than you know, f*ck Joe Biden. Just yesterday, Americans got another lecture on the importance of following "the science" and wearing masks indoors. That is, unless you are a) eating, or b) talking onto a microphone. Yes, "the science" says talking into a microphone is an exception. Jen Psaki assures us Biden follows "the science" at all times.

You'll notice Biden doing neither, as he can't figure out when to wear his mask. He also keeps touching it with his dirty hands. According to science (as opposed to "the science"), that's a bad thing to do.

You put your mask on your face,
You take your mask off your mouth,
You put your mask on your face,
And virtue signal all about,
You do the mask theatre and you poop inside your pants
That's what Joe Biden's about.

I will say this about Joe Biden: Yes, our betters in the federal government and the unelected bureaucracy have been getting off on mandate restrictions they don't take seriously themselves. And yes, when you see Joe Biden break his own mask orders over and over and over again, it would appear he is one of them. But I honestly think he's just easily confused. Being old AF and having a brain that is 51% tapioca pudding, confusion can be expected.

With Joe Biden, I don't think it is a hypocrisy problem. I think it is a not-always-knowing-where-he-is problem. Which is an entirely different problem.

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