Monday, November 29, 2021

Watch: This Specimen Identifies as 'Nightmare,' Shares Pronouns, and has Tattooed Eyes for Some Reason

Watch: This Specimen Identifies as 'Nightmare,' Shares Pronouns, and has Tattooed Eyes for Some Reason
Joseph Gunderson - November 29, 2021 at 01:15PM

Twitter is a cesspool, a loose conglomeration of pseudo-intellectuals, complete crackpots, and mentally ill weirdos. Every so often, there are a few good apples, but they are extremely outnumbered. And so, one is constantly confronted with delightful little gems like this.

Meet Queen Weirdo, who identifies as a transwoman, intersex woman, and goes by she/her, they/them, and “your grace.”

“I identify as a threat, a nightmare, and a goddess. So, please, bow down to me. I do not believe in God. I don’t worship the Devil, but yes, I am a Satanist, which means I am my own god, and I worship myself.”

Well, at least...

"My eyes are tattooed."

Well, at least we can agree on some things: I consider these types of people both a threat and a nightmare, as well.

I would really like to know what causes people to become this. I’ve read books. I’ve listened to people opine about the topic. But this is just an unfathomable level of insanity.

God, help us. After this, I’m saying a few extra Hail, Mary’s, hoping for that rapture. The human race might just have to pack it in, y’all.

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