Monday, November 29, 2021

As World Health Org Stokes Hysteria, Doctor Who Found New Omicron Variant Claims: 'It’s Extremely Mild

As World Health Org Stokes Hysteria, Doctor Who Found New Omicron Variant Claims: 'It’s Extremely Mild
Joseph Gunderson - November 29, 2021 at 09:57AM

Are you still taking the WHO seriously? What about Fauci? I’m not, and I’m not because of stuff like this.

Upon the discovery of a new variant of COVID-19, subsequently dubbed Omicron, the WHO has decided, in line with their particular brand of fear-mongering, that the variant “poses a very high risk of infection surges that could have ‘severe consequences’ in some places.”

“Omicron has an unprecedented number of spike mutations, some of which are concerning for their potential impact on the trajectory of the pandemic… The overall global risk… is assessed as very high.”

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus describes the situation surrounding the new variant to be “perilous and precarious,” calling for new international accords to synchronize pandemic responses and incentivize countries to alert others of possible threats. It comes as no surprise that an international organization like the WHO is calling for more power for international organizations… like the WHO.

But is the alarmist stance even necessary? It doesn’t seem like it. And because I’m no MD—although if Fauci was capable of obtaining one it can’t be that difficult—I will defer to the doctor who first found the new variant among her patients.

“What we are seeing clinically in South Africa—and remember, I’m at the epicenter, that’s where I’m practicing—it’s extremely mild. We haven’t admitted anyone.”

Unlike so many ignorant lemmings who consume CNN brainwashing on a regular basis, I’m inclined to believe the doctors in the trenches far more than the bureaucrats in organizations like the WHO. And it doesn’t seem like Dr. Angelique Coetzee sounds too worried.

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