Friday, November 19, 2021

Top Five Angry Liberal Reactions to Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict (So Far)

Top Five Angry Liberal Reactions to Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict (So Far)
Brodigan - November 19, 2021 at 01:35PM

Justice prevailed and Kyle Rittenhouse was found NOT GUILTY on all charges. There are rational ways to react to the decision made by a jury of Kyle's peers. Then there is the angry, unhinged, over-the-top way liberals will be reacting for the next seventy-two hours. These are just a few of the initial reactions. An aperitif, if you will.

We'll start with this clown. Obviously, Olbermann wasn't paying attention. Kyle Rittenhouse is NOT a murderer. The jury just said so.

Bill DeBlasio saluted the victims, including, Joseph Rosenbaum the pedophile. This is who the left is. They can't find a middle ground between thinking "Kyle was at fault" and "Rosenbaum was a bad dude who raped children." The rest of the tweet only proves DeBlasio has no idea what he's talking about and most likely gets his news from MSNBC.

Speaking of MSNBC, MSNBC employee Joy Reid has both a hatred of white people AND no idea how a trial works. Yet, she'll be covering the trial on MSNBC today. The same MSNBC that got thrown out of the trial. You'll notice a lot of overlapping storylines.

I don't know who this guy is. But he's got a blue checkmark, and it's clear the left is going after the judge now.

And here's a member of congress being a racist douche. It's okay, though, because he's a Democrat.

Pop the popcorn and pour yourself a drink. This will be going on all weekend.

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