Monday, November 29, 2021

Joe Rogan 2-for-1: Blasting Media Lies About Kyle Rittenhouse AND Russia Collusion

Joe Rogan 2-for-1: Blasting Media Lies About Kyle Rittenhouse AND Russia Collusion
Brodigan - November 29, 2021 at 07:44AM

Ease your way back into the work week after the holiday weekend with this Joe Rogan twofer. When CNN lied about him taking horse dewormer, Rogan asked "if they'll lie about me, what won't they lie about?" As it turns out, there isn't anything. Or, if not "lie," they will repeat invalid truths. It goes narrative first. Whining about Fox News second. Ignore facts that come out against the narrative third. All while Brian Stelter cries sugar-laden tears into his breakfast cheesecake because Joe Rogan is more popular than him (and that Stelter is less popular than 35-year-old Golden Girls reruns).

Let's start first with the media's invalid truths about Kyle Rittenhouse. I know readers of the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website know all about those by how y'all gave us a record-breaking November for traffic.

Then you had the Russia Collusion untruths. Which, if it wasn't clear before Igor Danchenko was arrested for the fraudulent Steele Dossier, it should be now. The cases against Donald Trump being a pawn for Putin and the media (mostly CNN) pushing it 24/7 turned out to be a lot of hooey. I wouldn't call Russiagate a "hoax." But the Clintons were involved. So I wouldn't not call it that either.

There is a reason why the left cries about the lack of gatekeepers these days. The gatekeepers allowed leftists to control narratives and messaging under the guise of "news." In the olden days, a seventeen-year-old could be smeared as a white supremacist and a political opponent could be smeared as a Russian operative without facts getting in the way because the left controlled all the mediums. Now, thanks to cats like Rogan, Steven Crowder, and others, opposing viewpoints and the "other side" are able to be presented. Liberals hate that.

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