Saturday, November 20, 2021

Top Five Angry Liberal Reactions to Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict RELOADED: Calls for a Federal Investigation?!

Top Five Angry Liberal Reactions to Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict RELOADED: Calls for a Federal Investigation?!
Brodigan - November 20, 2021 at 07:47AM

The sore liberal buttocks keep finding their way to Twitter. Leftists can't deal with how a jury of Kyle Rittenhouse's peers found him not guilty. They invested so much time over the past year pushing lies and misinformation about Kyle and the incident, and it was all for naught. They're venting on Twitter while we grab popcorn and pour ourselves a drink. Yesterday, we had five initial angry reactions. Time for Day Two!

The head of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee didn't know basic facts. Like, for example, Jacob Blake not being dead. Mind you, Sean Patrick Mahoney is the guy in charge of RECRUITING other ignorant-minded Democrats to run for office.

We already know Rep. Cori Bush sees white supremacy everywhere. This tweet is interesting because while attacking Rittenhouse and Judge Schroeder is expected, she starts attacking the jury, too. "White supremacy" has nothing to do with a white person defending himself from other white people attempting to kill him. But forget it, she's rolling.

Disgraced Andrew Cuomo called the jury's decision a "stain." Cuomo knows all about stains. The blood of tens of thousands of elderly New Yorkers has been difficult to get off his hands.

Then there's Olaf. Last we saw Josh Gad, he was having a meltdown because he had to stay in his large house during the pandemic. Even if you replace "people protesting" with the more accurate "criminal rioters, one of whom was a pedophile," Gad would still sound like a nincompoop.

This last one isn't funny as much as it is troubling. Rep. Jerry Nadler calling for a federal review on the decision.

We aren't exaggerating when we describe the radical left. One way or another, they will try to get their scalp. Plus, Joe Biden's DOJ has made it clear they'll go after innocent Americans. We need to keep an eye on this as we bathe ourselves in liberal tears.

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