Monday, November 22, 2021

Waukesha Suspect Released From Jail Only Two Days Before. The DA 'Has a Track Record' of Doing That

Waukesha Suspect Released From Jail Only Two Days Before. The DA 'Has a Track Record' of Doing That
Joseph Gunderson - November 22, 2021 at 08:06AM

On Sunday, a man plowed his car through a holiday parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Speeding his red SUV beside the parade, Darrell Edward Brooks Jr, 39, veered his vehicle into the parade, hitting many people, including young children. Five have been confirmed dead after the attack, 40 injured.

Brooks is a career dirtbag who's racked up a litany of criminal charges including domestic abuse, battery, and reckless endangering, statutory sexual seduction, and several others. He's a registered sex offender, too. And, to make matters worse, this piece of garbage didn't have to be on the streets yesterday.

Brooks was in jail pending a number of charges, including two felonies, until two days ago, when he was released on bail thanks to policies enacted by Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisolm, who "has a track record of […] releasing prolific offenders, as well as not filing charges against them."

As per an attorney in the DA's office:

"It doesn't benefit anybody for someone, for example, to be prison bound because they have a significant substance abuse issue or a diagnosed history of mental health issues. We try to divert those cases away from a traditional prosecution model."

This isn't the only district attorney's office pushing regressive reforms. In San Francisco, the policies of Chesa Boudin, who is facing a recall election, have led to skyrocketing crime. Several videos have emerged out of San Francisco of criminals brazenly stealing whatever they please without fear of repercussions.

I think it's safe to say that when criminals aren't thrown in jail for breaking the law, they just commit more crimes. The progressive take on criminal justice boils down to putting the welfare of the public second to making crooks feel warm and fuzzy, and if these borderline anarchists would have their way, the United States would be a lawless wasteland.

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