Monday, November 29, 2021

Twitter Promotes Story About Team Biden Kicking 'Unelectable' Kamala Harris to the Curb Before 2024

Twitter Promotes Story About Team Biden Kicking 'Unelectable' Kamala Harris to the Curb Before 2024
Brodigan - November 29, 2021 at 08:42AM

Ten bucks say that Jen Psaki starts drinking extra early before today's press briefing. If I knew I was going to have reporters asking me about the Biden team replacing Kamala Harris as Vice President, I'd try to catch the coronavirus again. Stories about presidents replacing vice-presidents are common. But this story is currently trending and being promoted on Twitter. Plus, Harris loyalists have already accused Team Biden of racist sexism. Start popping popcorn.

The story is from The Telegraph, and it's behind a paywall. But the paper did tweet out some details:

  • Rumors suggest Joe Biden's camp has a plan to find a more popular replacement ahead of 2024.
  • There's whispering about a "nuclear" option that would see Kamala Harris appointed to the Supreme Court.
  • While the scenario is highly improbable, "the fact it has come up at all shows the depths of the predicament the Biden administration currently finds itself in."

There have been rumors of beef between Team Biden and Team Kamala ever since the border crisis debacle. A recent poll shows while Joe Biden is unpopular, Kamala Harris is even less popular. A week later, CNN ran a story of anonymous sources saying how terrible Kamal Harris is. Whether or not you believe those stories came from Pete Buttigieg's team, probably means you also believe Kamala's team leaked to the press that Transportation Secretary Buttigieg was on leave during a transportation crisis. Like I said, start popping popcorn.

Having this story trend on Twitter is what really stings. Had this been a Fox news story, the left could just attack the network like they usually do. The people who support Kamala are the same people who think Twitter is the real world and that Twitter's opinion matters. Having Twitter promote this story is a bigger betrayal than anything Joe Biden may have done.

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