Sunday, September 6, 2020

Watch as Portland Antifa Throws a Molotov Cocktail ... but Accidentally Sets His Comrade on Fire

Watch as Portland Antifa Throws a Molotov Cocktail ... but Accidentally Sets His Comrade on Fire
Brodigan - September 06, 2020 at 08:59AM

What is going on with Biden supporters violent leftists peaceful protestors in Portland isn't funny. But every so often, there are funny moments. Like when one comrade accidentally sets another comrade on fire (see 'PEACEFUL PROTESTER' IN PORTLAND ACCIDENTALLY SET ANOTHER 'PEACEFUL PROTESTER' ON FIRE and PORTLAND RIOTERS TRY BLOCKING A TRUCK WITH A MOTORCYCLE. BIG MISTAKE!). Not that seeing someone set on fire is "ha ha" funny persay, but I'm not always a good person. What really sells this video is that human torch caught fire when the other guy tried to launch a molotov cocktail, but apparently throws like a girl. He was aiming for the police. He missed.

You just hate to see it happen...

They were actually yelling "stop, drop and roll." I mean, c'mon!

It's even funnier with music.

Sometimes hysterical things happen to horrible people. So let this be a lesson to all of you would be rioters at home. Before throwing a bottle that you set on fire, work on your aim in the backyard. Start with a rock. Then maybe a baseball. Then a bottle that you haven't set on fire. Even rioting requires proper training. If you're not going to put in the work, don't bother showing up.

from Steven Crowder Says