Monday, September 21, 2020

White Antifa Protesters Stopped a Black Motorist. Then He Got Out of His Car ...

White Antifa Protesters Stopped a Black Motorist. Then He Got Out of His Car ...
Brodigan - September 21, 2020 at 07:06AM

'Black Lives Matter' has turned into 'White People Sh!t' so subtly, you barely noticed. Or, Antifa. To be honest, I get the two groups confused lately, which is why I find it easier just to say "Biden supporters." The number of corny Caucasians trying to racesplain social justice to African Americans is a mood that if I were to guess is shared among most Biden supporters (see THIS PORTLAND POLICE OFFICER CONFIRMS WHAT WE KNOW: THE REAL PROBLEM IS WHITE LIBERALS and WHITE PRIVILEGE? 'BECKY' EXPLAINS RACISM TO BLACK POLICE OFFICERS). In Portland (shocker), Chad and Karen were leading a protest through a residential neighborhood for reasons known only to them, stopping drivers to yell words about things. One of those drivers was less than amused.

My favorite part was hearing one of the Chads sounding so white as he said, "Do you know why we're here?" You would think it was a black comedian doing his white person voice. Yes, the gentleman does know why you're there. He's also making it clear that he doesn't want you there, as don't any of his neighbors. It's the height of white privilege to think you're justified waking up black people as they're trying to sleep because you want to feel like you're helping. Especially when, as the driver points out, none of you live in the neighborhood you are pretending to care about.

White leftists need to do better. Maybe they should listen more and talk less.

from Steven Crowder Says