Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany LEVELS Press Corps for Failing to Inquire about Peace Deals

Kayleigh McEnany LEVELS Press Corps for Failing to Inquire about Peace Deals
Courtney Kirchoff - September 16, 2020 at 03:37PM

Yesterday Donald Trump made history with historic peace agreements between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Kind of a big deal for those outfits which consider themselves respected news who also say they care about peace. Yet in Wednesday's press briefing, while there were plenty of questions aimed to chip away at Donald Trump's ego, not one was about the history made on Tuesday. This failure to inquire about the historic peace deal inspired Kayleigh McEnany to offer a spanking.

I can't confirm this, but she probably started skipping once she was clear of the cameras.

Let's remember that Chris Matthews was so enamored with Barack Obama, he basically wrote a poem about his pant crease. So you'd best believe had Obama pulled off what Trump did, the press would have collective orgasms about it. The fawning would never cease. The chryon graphics would be all caps OBAMA BRINGS PEACE!

Yet since it was a Trump accomplishment... no. Instead, reporters asked about masks.

Which I guess this particular reporter doesn't take that seriously when she thinks no one is looking.

You already know media is biased. You already know media doesn't like Trump. What we're confirming here is apparently media doesn't really care about peace either if they're not able to laud their side for it. Ugly behavior from the side claiming Trump causes division.

from Steven Crowder Says