Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dan Crenshaw Gets Specific: 'This Is What We Have to Fear if Democrats Take Control'

Dan Crenshaw Gets Specific: 'This Is What We Have to Fear if Democrats Take Control'
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 11:03AM

Lots of people rightfully point out how horrible it will be if Democrats get control of all three branches of government. Especially looking at how increasingly unhinged they have gotten since the last time they had total control. The rub is that the argument can tend to be more about random boogeymen that are coming to get us. It plays better with Boomers and on Facebook memes. But as Dan Crenshaw points out (see DAN CRENSHAW BRILLIANTLY DEFINES ANTIFA IN ONLY 40 SECONDS and DAN CRENSHAW DROPPED AN ACTION-ADVENTURE TRAILER THAT IS EASILY THE BEST CAMPAIGN AD EVER), there are actual policies THAT HAVE ALREADY PASSED THE HOUSE we have to worry about. You may not have heard of them. Things tend to not make the news unless Trump tweets about it.

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