Monday, September 14, 2020

A YouTuber Pooped in Front of Nancy Pelosi's House. Hero or Menace?

A YouTuber Pooped in Front of Nancy Pelosi's House. Hero or Menace?
Courtney Kirchoff - September 14, 2020 at 10:23AM

Meanwhile in San Francisco, a YouTuber took his doodies to the top. "Mando," who started his channel 6 years ago after becoming homeless, was challenged by his YouTube subscribers and commenters to drop a deuce in front of Nancy Pelosi's house. With COVID making it nearly impossible to go inside businesses to use their potties, Mando has had an increasingly hard time finding a communal place to do a little business of his own. And so, like many brave soldiers before him, he journeyed with a heavy load to Pelosi's abode. Treating her front driveway like a common commode.

The incident has been coined "Pooplosi." I crap you not.

From the NY Post:

As a result, Saturday's livestream video, titled "Poopalosi," began as a protest against a lack of resources for people living on the streets — while people in power, such Pelosi, are able to get haircuts and live their daily lives fairly unchanged.

"I'd been hunting for a toilet all week, and the joke came up in the comments on one of my streams that 'Hey, you should take a crap at Pelosi's house,'" Mando told The Post."Everyone was enjoying the idea of it, and eventually I just couldn't hold it anymore."

As the expression goes: when you're driving in your Chevy and you feel something heavy... Obviously we'll need to add an expression: When you're walking to Nancy's and your pants aren't feeling fancy...

Mando has since apologized to Pelosi saying he bears her no ill will, it was just a joke. Likely issued to stave off splash-back. I'd like to point out had he painted the White House black, the left would salute him. Celebrities would bail him out of jail, if not buy him a beach house. Late night "comedy" shows would retire on the poop jokes alone. Oprah would give everyone in her audience a free toilet, each adorned with Trump looking like he'd smelt what Mando dealt. Headlines nationwide would read "POOPMAN SMEARS TRUMP" or "MAKING AMERICA REGULAR AGAIN" if not "IT WAS THE SHART HEARD ROUND THE BOWL." God my talents are wasted here.

Not. Sorry. But when I went to go check out the stream of the event to make sure it was real (this is the job), I did see a commenter on the stream type "IT'S CRAPPENING."

Yet because Mando popped a squat on Nancy's drive, well now he has to worry. My question is if it's San Francisco, what difference does it make? With a poop poop here and a poop poop there, here a poop, there a poop, everywhere a poop poop.

I'll let myself out.

from Steven Crowder Says