Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Ted Cruz Triggers 'The View' By Exposing Who Is REALLY to Blame for COVID-19: Andrew Cuomo

Ted Cruz Triggers 'The View' By Exposing Who Is REALLY to Blame for COVID-19: Andrew Cuomo
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 07:51AM

I say this with all the respect that is due: No elected official in this country can choke on a bag of dicks over the 'rona more than Andrew Cuomo (see ANDREW CUOMO IS WRITING A BOOK ON HIS COVID RESPONSE. SIDE NOTE: OVER 32,000 NYERS ARE DEAD ... and WITH JUST A FEW TWEETS, CNN'S JAKE TAPPER EXPOSED THE TRUTH ABOUT ANDREW CUOMO AND COVID-19). Admittedly, I fell for the media hype at first, but at least I snapped out of it. Others are still trying to keep up the myth that Cuomo was our covid savior and DIDN'T turn New York nursing homes into killing fields. Joy Behar still believes. Which is why I enjoyed watching Ted Cruz drop a giant dookie in her breakfast cereal. (h/t Newsbusters)

I actually think if you look at Florida, if you look at Texas, the death rates have been much, much lower there than for example, states like New York, New Jersey, states with Democratic governors where the death rates have been enormously through the roof. New York in particular has led the country in death rate, and I think it had a lot to do with the Democratic governor there, Governor Cuomo, sending people who had COVID into nursing homes.

More on the right need to follow Cruz's lead. Because leftists like that septuagenarian harpy Joy Behar are always going to focus on whatever Republican official leftists claim is to blame for the 'rona that week. Always pivot to Andrew Cuomo. They want to make the news about the Republican governor of Florida reopening his state. Make the news about the blood of tens of thousands of grandparents that Gov. Chris' Idiot Brother has on his hands.

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