Monday, September 28, 2020

Meet the Suffragettes: Hysterically Remaking Popular Songs More 'Feminist'

Meet the Suffragettes: Hysterically Remaking Popular Songs More 'Feminist'
Brodigan - September 28, 2020 at 09:17AM

The video I am about to share with you includes some of my favorite things. Ryan Long and Danny Polishchuk. Music. And crapping all over feminism. Or at least what is considered feminist by leftists in this, the two thousand and twentieth year of our Lord (see AMBER TAMBLYN CREATES 'MALE ALLY MANIFESTO.' YES, IT'S CONDESCENDING FEMINIST GARBAGE! and FEMINIST CEO WANTS MEN TO STOP TALKING ABOUT SPORTS AT WORK). What makes this video particularly brilliant is that if two male allies sat down and recorded these exact same songs unironically, they'd probably get their own variety special on Netflix.

The Alanis Morissette one almost killed me.

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