Wednesday, September 23, 2020

This Guy Was Peeping on Girls in the Bathroom. Then Their Dads Got Their Hands on Him ...

This Guy Was Peeping on Girls in the Bathroom. Then Their Dads Got Their Hands on Him ...
Brodigan - September 23, 2020 at 08:32AM

Cracker Barrel should be a happy place, where you can enjoy a good meal and take a picture in one of the rocking chairs like you're Matt or Nick Jackson. It should not be a place where you have to worry about your daughter going to the bathroom and having a run-in with a registered sex offender. Though, this story involves the pedo getting the crap beat out of him (see TEEN DRESSED AS SPIDERMAN AND BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF A PEDOPHILE and HASBRO PULLS TROLL DOLL BECAUSE OF A BUTTON IN THE DOLL'S PRIVATE AREA). So it had a happy ending. Girl dads for the win! (h/t Barstool Sports)

A 15-year-old girl in town for a softball tournament was in the bathroom at the [South Carolina] Cracker Barrel when she noticed something was moving near her feet. When she looked down, Long said she saw that a man's head from the stall next to her. Witnesses say the 15-year-old victim was not the only girl in the bathroom at the time.

My only regret is that there isn't video of the incident. I'm picturing the girl running to her dad to tell him what happened. The group of them calm get up, walk over to the pedo peeping tom and proceed to pulverize him. Then calmly sit back down to their Country Fried Breakfast with extra hashbrown casserole while they waited for the police to show up. Maybe one dad took a few ice cubes out of his glass of water to wash the blood off of his knuckles. Cops show up. One of the dads says, "He's tied to the tree." Cop tips his hat to the table and says, "Good work, men."

At least that's the way I pictured it.

from Steven Crowder Says