Thursday, September 24, 2020

Antifa Tried to Murder a Seattle Cop and People Are Concerned ... for Antifa

Antifa Tried to Murder a Seattle Cop and People Are Concerned ... for Antifa
Brodigan - September 24, 2020 at 08:21AM

I honestly don't know if this peaceful protest where a cop was almost murdered was Breonna Taylor-related or just Biden supporters Antifa being Biden supporters Antifa. We're back in Seattle, so really it's a coin toss (see SEATTLE POLICE OFFICER SPEAKS OUT AFTER BEING INJURED BY LIBERAL ACTIVISTS and FATHER OF TEEN MURDERED IN CHOP IS DEMANDING ANSWERS FROM THE SEATTLE MAYOR WHO LET IT HAPPEN). I do know that when you go to hit someone in the head with an aluminum baseball bat, it's usually with the intention of that person no longer being alive. Thankfully for this Seattle police officer, it was someone from Antifa swinging the bat. Had it been a an actual grown-ass adult with upper arm strength, this would be a different blog post.

Now, if I were a social justice warrior and I saw one of my colleagues try to murder a police officer, I would want that person caught. Being associated with that person would speak ill of all the social justice issues I'm super-serious about. And some of the guy's Antifa colleagues did in fact speak out. They spoke out to the person who posted the video, because they were concerned that the other rioters might get caught. You know, priorities and all that.

I should be more outraged, and I would be if the officer were seriously injured or worse. But I think I might be growing numb to these videos. Though if you're going to attack the White House for declaring Seattle an "Anarchist zone," this video is Exhibit Q why they are.

from Steven Crowder Says