Tuesday, September 29, 2020

A New Ad Is Defending Amy Coney Barrett Against Democrats' Anti-Catholic 'Bigotry'

A New Ad Is Defending Amy Coney Barrett Against Democrats' Anti-Catholic 'Bigotry'
Brodigan - September 29, 2020 at 12:14PM

Amy Coney Barrett is officially nominated to the Supreme Court. Democrats are officially unhinged. And Republicans are officially ready for war (see TED CRUZ SAVAGED ELIZABETH WARREN'S SCOTUS HYSTERICS WITH JUST A SINGLE '80S MOVIE QUOTE and COCAINE MITCH ABSOLUTELY DISEMBOWELS CHUCK SCHUMER ON THE FLOOR OF THE SENATE). This new ad from the Judicial Crisis Network hopes to help, focusing on the anti-religious bigotry against Judge Barrett. Funny thing about it: The media claim they don't see the bigotry. Yet as you see in the ad, there are recordings of senators doing just that, all the way back in 2017 — the last time President Trump appointed Barrett to the bench and the last time the Senate confirmed her.

Olive-Brained John Oliver Doesn't Understand the Supreme Court | Good Morning #MugClub youtu.be

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