Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Poll: Joe Biden Did HORRENDOUSLY with Latino Voters at the Debate

Poll: Joe Biden Did HORRENDOUSLY with Latino Voters at the Debate
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 09:20AM

General consensus is that last night's presidential debate was an absolute embarrassment. The fact that the two men on that stage are who we have to decide between for leader of the free world is absolute cringe. MAGA fanbois claim that their guy won. Trump-haters (since let's be honest, Biden doesn't have any actual fans of his own) claim Biden won (see LAS VEGAS 'LATINOS FOR BIDEN' RALLY IS JUST SAD and THIS JOE BIDEN CAR 'PARADE' IS JUST SIMPLY EMBARRASSING AND SAD. Everyone else who is holding their nose as they are forced to vote for one of these two just wants those ninety minutes of their lives back. I mean, how can you say it any better than this:

But if there was one highlight for the Trump side, it was this surprising poll from Telemundo. The "snap polls" after a debate always seem to skew toward the Democrat. And we've been hearing that the Biden campaign's outreach to Latino voters has been nonexistent. But after seeing this, Biden is going to want to donde esta the tequila.

Thirty-two. Latino voters, or at least the ones who watched the debate on Telemundo, thought Trump beat Biden by THIRTY-TWO POINTS. Even in the other network polls that claimed Biden won, it was still only single digits. Whether this is an outlier or a harbinger, we still have one more month and two more debates to figure that out. But if I was the Biden campaign, I'd be muy concerned about this.

from Steven Crowder Says