Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Rush Limbaugh: Cocaine Mitch Should Skip the SCOTUS Confirmation Process Altogether

Rush Limbaugh: Cocaine Mitch Should Skip the SCOTUS Confirmation Process Altogether
Brodigan - September 22, 2020 at 12:22PM

Leftists have already gone to Defcon Eleventy over Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick, which is funny, because we're still five days away from Donald Trump making his Supreme Court pick (see THIS LEFTIST MELTDOWN OVER RUTH BADER GINSBURG IS A HYSTERICAL PREVIEW OF WHAT'S TO COME and DON LEMON GOES THERE, WANTS TO 'BLOW UP THE ENTIRE SYSTEM'). Everyone has advice on what Cocaine Mitch and the GOP should do, especially since, let's be honest, we're all old enough to have seen the GOP snatch defeat from the jaws of victory more than a few times.

Rush Limbaugh has a suggestion that will make the left more unhinged than they already are. Hence me using a Media Matters video.

We don't need to open that up for whatever length of time, so that whoever this nominee is can be Kavanaughed, or Borked, or Thomased. Because that's what it's going to be, especially when it's not even required.

Here's the part that I didn't think of ...

We don't want to give Kamala Harris the opportunity to grandstand in that committee, as a vice presidential running mate.

Personally, I disagree about skipping the hearings, other than the Kamala Harris part. That gives me pause. The rest of it, I agree with Rush's reasons for skipping the hearings, but they are also my reasons why I want the hearings. I want unhinged progressives broadcast into the homes of voters every day between now and Election Day. There's precedent that Donald Trump can control himself and keep quiet during Supreme Court hearings. It's not like his opponent wants to leave the house in the first place.

Give me forty-some days of Democrats providing Trump 2020 earned media about what sexist anti-Catholic bigots they are if/when Trump nominates Amy Coney Barrett. Let them advertise the type of people they are without Trump having to do it for them.

from Steven Crowder Says