Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cocaine Mitch Absolutely Disembowels Chuck Schumer on the Floor of the Senate

Cocaine Mitch Absolutely Disembowels Chuck Schumer on the Floor of the Senate
Brodigan - September 23, 2020 at 11:33AM

This is why we call him Cocaine Mitch. Actually, it's because of a thing that was said during a primary, but the real story isn't as interesting. The bottom line is that Cocaine Mitch is just a straight-up savage (see COCAINE MITCH DEFECATING ON THE NEW YORK TIMES IS THE CONTENT WE NEED and COCAINE MITCH CALLS FOR VOTE ON GREEN NEW DEAL, DEMOCRATS CRY SABOTAGE). If he had one f*ck to give, he left it back home in Kentucky next to his seersucker suit and a pitcher of mint julep. We know what's coming with the battle to nominate Trump's replacement for RBG. We know how dirty and vile Democrats will play, led by Chuck Schumer, who will have Nancy Pelosi's hand up his rectum like a Muppet.

But argumentatively speaking, let's pretend Schumer is the guy in charge. Cocaine Mitch wants you to know exactly who he is.

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