Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Bernie Sanders Releases a New Video Lying to Young People, Gets BODIED by Dan Crenshaw

Bernie Sanders Releases a New Video Lying to Young People, Gets BODIED by Dan Crenshaw
Brodigan - September 23, 2020 at 11:15AM

Some of my favorite tweets involve Dan Crenshaw slapping around Bernie Sanders. I know it's a niche genre (see DAN CRENSHAW ISSUES CHALLENGE TO BERNIE SANDERS: BE HONEST FOR A CHANGE and DAN CRENSHAW CLOWNS BERNIE SANDERS AGAIN THIS TIME ON MEDICARE FOR ALL). But it's my niche genre. I actually wouldn't mind a debate between the two of them, like one I saw between Newt Gingrich and Mario Cuomo moderated by Tim Russert. It would actually be beneficial to our discourse. But as far as content goes, I'm more than happy with seeing Bernie getting smacked down on Twitter.

It all started with Bernie releasing a video encouraging you youngbloods to vote, using the same typical lies about how everything is unaffordable and how the only way to make it affordable is to elect leftists. Which, as Crenshaw points out, is because of leftists in the first place.

Though I would argue that if 18- or 20-year-olds don't view this as emotional manipulation, it's probably because it's only one side even talking to them in the first place. I get the argument that young people don't vote. But young people eventually become adults who vote, and if they're only hearing half of the argument, that will be the argument they believe. Republicans still have to do a better job, or really any job. No, organizing conferences and packs of social media trolls doesn't count.

Dan Crenshaw does a decent job. I'd like to see many more follow suit.

from Steven Crowder Says