Wednesday, September 30, 2020

HOT MIC! Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Admitting Masks Are Just 'Political Theater'

HOT MIC! Pennsylvania Democrats Caught Admitting Masks Are Just 'Political Theater'
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 08:01AM

Regardless of where you are personally about wearing a mask or not wearing a mask, I feel most of us can agree we've had all we can stand of the virtue-signaling about masks. ESPECIALLY when the virtue-signalers are flaming hypocrites about it (see PRO-MASK POSTER BOY DR. FAUCI HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO AFTER THIS PHOTO EMERGES and MSNBC REPORTER COMPLAINS NO ONE IS WEARING MASKS. BYSTANDER SAYS THE CAMERA CREW ISN'T WEARING MASKS EITHER!). If the virtue is being signaled by an elected official whose mandates have demanded masks of the commoners, they can pull down their masks just enough to eat a dick.

Then you have Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf and Rep. Ullman, who coordinated their virtue-signaling while — wait for it — admitting it's just political theater.

I see. So, if I have this right, asthmatics are being tased and autistic children are being thrown off of airplanes for something that is just political theater. At least according to two Democrats who want us to think wearing masks is the highest form of patriotism. Just like paying the highest taxes possible and joining unions against our will. Also, punching ourselves in the groin for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Let me throw this suggestion out there as a non-expert and non-scientist: If you are more concerned about the appearance of wearing a mask than you are about catching the virus that the mask is supposed to be protecting you against, either you don't care about the virus, or the mask doesn't do what you're telling the people it does.

from Steven Crowder Says