Monday, September 28, 2020

Ted Cruz Savaged Elizabeth Warren's SCOTUS Hysterics with Just a Single '80s Movie Quote

Ted Cruz Savaged Elizabeth Warren's SCOTUS Hysterics with Just a Single '80s Movie Quote
Brodigan - September 28, 2020 at 12:57PM

Blog posts like this work on two different levels for me. Any time Ted Cruz owns a leftist on Twitter, it usually means a good day for clicks (see AOC TRIED TO COME AFTER TED CRUZ ON TWITTER, BUT CRUZ SHUT HER DOWN and THIS TED CRUZ TWEET WILL SEND THE CHAZ CRYING TO THEIR MOMMIES). But also, it lets Uncle Brodigan introduce you youngbloods to a highly underrated '80s classic.

First, the ownage on Twitter. It involves Elizabeth Warren. Leftists have gone to Defcon Eleventy over Donald Trump appointing Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Warren brought a little extra something-something with a literal cacophony of leftist buzz words that she spun in to actual sentences. Take away the fact that every she wrote was bullsh!t, it's still impressive. Her colleague Senator Cruz thought she might want to consider turning it down a notch and channeled Chris Knight in this gem.

Oldheads likes me will recognize the quote from the '80s classic Real Genius, the greatest Val Kilmer movie since Top Secret. Here's the quote in question.

Olive-Brained John Oliver Doesn't Understand the Supreme Court | Good Morning #MugClub

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