Brodigan - September 22, 2020 at 08:39AM

If there are two things America loves, it's wings and being made great again. Thankfully we have Donald Trump to take care of the latter (see BLACK TRUMP SUPPORTERS GO VIRAL FOR AWESOME PRO-AMERICA MESSAGE and DONALD TRUMP MADE HIS STAFF WATCH GUNS N' ROSES' 'NOVEMBER RAIN,' JUST BECAUSE HE THINKS IT ROCKS). But as this SNL sketch from 2004 (I think) shows, yours and my favorite president would even excel at selling the former. This is just one man's opinion, but if I were Trump, I'd totally rock this suit again just to troll all the haters and losers.
Trump 2020: Keep America Great and Keeps Wings Crispy. I'm sure at Trump's House of Wings, they have twelve herbs and spices. Because Donald Trump is the one who gave the Colonel the formula, but he held one herb and/or spice for himself.
Dammit, now I want chicken.
from Steven Crowder Says