Friday, September 18, 2020

Joy Behar to Black Congressional Candidate: Everyone Loved Me in Blackface

Joy Behar to Black Congressional Candidate: Everyone Loved Me in Blackface
Brodigan - September 18, 2020 at 12:01PM

Kimberly Klacik is a congressional candidate for Baltimore who has gotten national attention for the best campaign ad this year. To those of us who have been yelling for the GOP to at least try in cities, the Baltimore GOP hit it out of Camden Yards with this recruitment. Also, for the sake of this story, she has darker skin than me. And that national attention got her an invite to the shrill harpy zone known as The View. Where Joy Behar actually tried defending that her past use of blackface was good blackface.

First, I don't like the reckless way blackface gets thrown around. Unless you have actual black paint on your face with bright red lips and are singing "Mame," it's not blackface. Comedians change their complexion for jokes all the time, or at least used to (see JIMMY FALLON SURRENDERS TESTICLES WITH APOLOGY FOR 20-YEAR-OLD 'BLACKFACE' SKETCH and ALYSSA MILANO IS UPSET CONSERVATIVES ARE 'WEAPONIZING' CANCEL CULTURE BECAUSE ONLY SHE IS ALLOWED TO DO THAT). If it's a no-no now, that's fine. But it's silly to go back and punish people for what was acceptable when they did it. That should be a rational response we could all have.

But I don't make the rules. The left does. We just get to play by them. And the gross hypocrisy here reeks like the pair of soiled Depends that Joy Behar left in the bathroom between commercial breaks.

It would be nice if when "cancel culture" came calling, brands and companies and people had the courage to tell people to shut the f*** up. But since the rules are only applied to people on the right, or really to anyone who isn't a hard leftist, people on the left get no sympathy from me when they are called out on the hypocrisy. Saying that a leftist like Joy Behar should be held to the same standards isn't cancel culture. It's called a clapback.

from Steven Crowder Says