Saturday, September 12, 2020

Joe Rogan and Tim Kennedy DISMANTLE Protesters: "Do You Have Any Idea How G*dd*mn Crazy This is?"

Joe Rogan and Tim Kennedy DISMANTLE Protesters: "Do You Have Any Idea How G*dd*mn Crazy This is?"
Brodigan - September 12, 2020 at 09:43AM

Count me among the people who aren't fans of Rogan's new set. Courtney said the name of the paint color is "Gingivitis" and I can't think of a better way to describe anything ever. But we're here now for this great clip between Joe and Tim Kennedy (see TEACHER CALLS JOE ROGAN THE 'BIGGEST THREAT' IN THE 'LAST DECADE' and TIM KENNEDY: WATERBOARDING WORKS BECAUSE WE WATERBOARD P***IES) on just how dangerous the "protesting" has gotten. Not in a "violent riot" way, but in a fear over what comes next way. Starting with Tim Kennedy — who is an Army Ranger and Special Forces — drawing an alarming comparison between the leftists in Portland and the foreign insurgents that Kennedy gets sent to put down.

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