Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Biden Supporters Throw Eggs at a Little Girl Because They're Horrible People

Biden Supporters Throw Eggs at a Little Girl Because They're Horrible People
Brodigan - September 15, 2020 at 07:34AM

I don't know what it is about Biden supporters in Delaware and the problems they have with little kids. But this is the second time in the past month they allegedly attacked a kid because the kids' parents support Trump (see WATCH THESE BIDEN SUPPORTERS MAKE A 7-YEAR-OLD TRUMP SUPPORTER CRY AND STEAL HIS HAT and THOSE BIDEN SUPPORTERS WHO ASSAULTED A 7-YEAR-OLD TRUMP FAN? THEY'RE BEING CHARGED WITH A HATE CRIME ...). Actually, did I say "allegedly"? Because, you know, whatever.

This new instance involves a group of punks chucking eggs at a Trump rally. They hit a little girl there.

Delaware State Police on Monday told TheBlaze that "during a Republican Political Rally" Sunday outside the Crossroads Restaurant in Wilmington, three males between the ages of 20 and 25 drove by and threw eggs at the crowd standing near the roadway. Three children were struck.

First off, if you're seriously making a little girl stand there with egg in her hair instead of making sure she's okay and CLEANING THE EGG OUT OF HER HAIR until you shoot a video for Twitter, you have serious issues. If the parents were okay with this, I have problems with them too. It's like the mother from the story referenced before, who had her camera out while her son was crying and running after the two dingbat Biden supporters who attacked him and stole his hat. Take care of the kids first. Own the libs second. But this is all typical of social media in 2020, which is a post for a different time.

What isn't typical, or unfortunately is typical even though it shouldn't be, is scumbag Democrats throwing eggs at children because they don't like who their parents are supporting for president. First of all, you did a drive-by like a bunch of little bItches. Stand there in front of the rally and chuck eggs. Find out what happens next. Second, this is who Joe Biden supporters are. These are the types of people Joe Biden is the standard-bearer for. Or at least the sock puppet until he resigns the office on January 22, 2021. I guess we should consider ourselves lucky. The three soyboys who borrowed mom's car only threw eggs, instead of setting a building on fire or dragging people out of their cars. Which is also increasingly typical of Biden supporters.

These are the rules. If Trump refusing to denounce every time a supporter shares a mean meme on Facebook says he's encouraging it, Biden refusing to denounce every time a supporter commits violence says he supports that as well.

Delaware police were quick to catch and charge Becky and Other Becky who stole the kid's hat. Hopefully they catch Kyle, Chad, and Other Chad responsible for this quickly too.

from Steven Crowder Says