Sunday, September 20, 2020

This Leftist Meltdown Over Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a Hysterical Preview of What's to Come

This Leftist Meltdown Over Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a Hysterical Preview of What's to Come
Brodigan - September 20, 2020 at 08:20AM

Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday night. Thoughts and prayers, f* cancer, and so on and so forth. The supreme court justice is in a better place. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same about a lot of her progressive stans that have been left behind. Leftists generally "can't even" as it is. These are the same people who have a dog poop delivery service to MAGA mailboxes. But if Becky here is indicative of how they are handling the news, it's going to be a long few weeks. A long and absolutely freaking hilarious few weeks.

Real talk. Is there a single public official on the right that conservatives would react this way to? Donald Trump has some overzealous fanbois, and if he loses I'm fairly certain they'll just meme about it and move on with their lives. This video is what happens when you define yourself by your politics, to the point where it's your entire personality. It leads to meltdowns and people like me laughing at your meltdowns.

Also, since everyone is throwing in their two cents, President Trump should ABSOLUTELY nominate a new justice, and do so this week. Best case scenario, he gets a third justice and conservatives have a once in a lifetime opportunity. Worst case scenario, the nominee doesn't get a vote but he gets 45 days of leftist meltdowns before election day. Let the voters see just how sexist Democrats are by the way they react to Amy Coney Barrett. Or just how sexist AND racist Democrats are by the way they react to Barabra Lagoa. Either way is a win for Trump.

from Steven Crowder Says