Wednesday, September 23, 2020

A U-Haul Truck Just Dropped Off Supplies for Breonna Taylor 'Protesters' in Louisville

A U-Haul Truck Just Dropped Off Supplies for Breonna Taylor 'Protesters' in Louisville
Brodigan - September 23, 2020 at 01:36PM

I admit to not following the Breonna Taylor case that closely and still need to talk to someone who can explain legal things to me like I'm five. But Louisville is on edge after a grand jury only indicted one of the police officers, for "first-degree wanton endangerment." This video isn't going to help matters. You know those claims that trucks are dropping off supplies for protesters that the media says are right-wing paranoia? Here is video of a U-Haul truck dropping off those supplies.

I don't know if these are people protesting on behalf of Breonna Taylor or not, but there is an awful lot of mayonnaise unloading that truck. We saw this after George Floyd (see A WHITE LIBERAL WAS HANDING OUT BRICKS, BUT THIS BLACK PROTESTER WASN'T HAVING IT and COPS AND PROTESTERS TEAM UP AGAINST ANTIFA DOUCHE). It's also why instead of figuring out who is "Black Lives Matter," who is "Antifa," and who is "defund the police," it's easier to just group them by the one thing that unites them: Biden supporters.

But this truck showed up less than five minutes after the indictment was read. If you ever wonder why there can't ever be a national conversation or why we can't ever just wait for facts to come out, it's because there is one side actively working to make sure we can't.

from Steven Crowder Says