Saturday, September 19, 2020

Mitch McConnell: The Senate WILL Vote on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Replacement

Mitch McConnell: The Senate WILL Vote on Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Replacement
Brodigan - September 19, 2020 at 07:57AM

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away on Friday, due to complications from metastatic pancreatic cancer. Setting aside politics and echoing President Trump's statement, she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life that inspired multiple generations. My prayers to her family. Also, and I can't stress this enough, f*ck cancer.

In a perfect world, the politics could wait. But we don't live in that perfect world, so the question now turns to nominating her replacement about a month and a half before election day. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a statement to answer that.

"President Trump's nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate."

That's our Cocaine Mitch (see COCAINE MITCH DEFECATING ON THE NEW YORK TIMES IS THE CONTENT WE NEED and COCAINE MITCH CALLS FOR VOTE ON GREEN NEW DEAL, DEMOCRATS CRY SABOTAGE). Already, Chuck Schumer is demanding the Republicans do their job and ... confirm a new Supreme Court justice?

I'm sorry, that was a tweet from four years ago. See liberals, when you try to dig up the "McConnell Rule," we can dig up old tweets too. And look, is it hypocritical for Cocaine Mitch to push the nomination process in an election year after blocking Merrick Garland four years ago? Let's say it 100% is. I 100% don't care.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and we can't rely on Trump's reelection. Plus if Trump does lose, there's a good chance the R's are losing the senate majority as well. Trump should nominate Court of Appeals Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Monday. Let voters see how sexist Democrats are when their unhinged attacks against her start. Biden supporters might riot and burn things, but they've been doing that anyway so nothing will change.

Basically, I want Trump and McConnell to think about what Democrats would do in this very situation. Then, I want them to do that same thing. We can call it the Harry Reid Rule.

from Steven Crowder Says