Monday, September 21, 2020

Democrat Leaders DEMAND the Senate Vote on a New Supreme Court Justice ... in 2016

Democrat Leaders DEMAND the Senate Vote on a New Supreme Court Justice ... in 2016
Brodigan - September 21, 2020 at 01:38PM

If you haven't already, expect to hear a lot about the "McConnell rule" over the next few weeks. Liberals and of course most in the mainstream media think it's a big "gotcha" because Cocaine Mitch refused a vote on Obama's 2016 nomination. Especially as McConnell plans to use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ram through an RBG replacement like he's the Kool-Aid man crashing through a brick wall (see MITCH MCCONNELL: THE SENATE WILL VOTE ON RUTH BADER GINSBURG'S REPLACEMENT and AOC BLASTS MITCH MCCONNELL OVER 'NOT HONORING' RBG'S DYING WISH). Interesting about the hypocrisy game in politics. It goes both ways, and the internet is just lousy with examples. As the GOP is more than happy to point out in this medley.

Is it hypocritical of Cocaine Mitch? I could honestly give a damn. Again, this is a generational opportunity to control the Supreme Court with people who know what the Constitution is. If leftists don't like it, it's not like they're going to riot more better than they've already been doing this year. But if the Democrats think they have us owned by calling us hypocrites, I'd just cite the legal precedent of The People vs. Pee Wee Herman: I know you are, but what am I?

from Steven Crowder Says