Saturday, September 12, 2020

Angry Liberals Protest Outside Mitch McConnell's Home to Demand ... 600 Dollars

Angry Liberals Protest Outside Mitch McConnell's Home to Demand ... 600 Dollars
Brodigan - September 12, 2020 at 08:20AM

Most protesting is dumb and the way this country has normalized protesting outside of people's homes is frightening. But if you're going to do it, don't do it outside of Cocaine Mitch's house. My dude is the patron saint of not givingAF and being savage while not giving that F (see COCAINE MITCH DEFECATING ON THE NEW YORK TIMES IS THE CONTENT WE NEED and WATCH: COCAINE MITCH SAVAGES DEMOCRATS OVER GREEN NEW DEAL VOTE). However if you are super bored and feel like protesting outside of his home anyway, have a more compelling reason than he owes you a $600 stimulus check.

This is essentially the 2020 equivalent of the paperboy harassing John Cusack in Better Off Dead.

To you youngbloods, that's an 80s reference. Google it.

Look, I thought keeping stimulus checks outside of the 'rona aid bill was stupid. I fully agree with all the economic reasons why it's a horrible idea. But the GOP hasn't given a wet fart about fiscal responsibility for the last four years. To pretend they care about it now, less than two months before a presidential election AND during a pandemic, it's like they want to be voted out of power. Just so they can go back to pretending to care about fiscal responsibility. Though let's be honest. The GOP could have included an eleventy thousand dollar check for every American citizen AND illegal immigrant, and the Democrats would have still blocked it.

But protesting because you're not getting an arbitrarily decided amount of money from the government? Outside of the liberal idiots there, no one watching is going to have any sympathy. It would also make more sense to move the protest outside of Chuck Schumer's house since he's the one who blocked the aid from even being debated. Where if Democrats cared, they could have forced a debate on the matter. If you want to know where your $600 is, ask Chuck.

from Steven Crowder Says