Monday, September 14, 2020

Protests Erupt After Officer Shoots a Man. Except He Chased the Cop with a Knife!

Protests Erupt After Officer Shoots a Man. Except He Chased the Cop with a Knife!
Courtney Kirchoff - September 14, 2020 at 08:01AM

No one can chase anyone else with knife. Unless they're running away with butter, and the warm bread has just popped out of the oven. That's just abuse. Other than that, no exceptions. Yet based on the protests following the what looks to be a justified shooting, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe after years of "white oppression" a "man of color" who's terrorizing his family, is totally free to skip about town running after people waving large knives. That's reportedly what happened in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Officers responded to a call of a man, with a knife, terrorizing his family. Body cam footage shows the insanity unfold:

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