Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tucker Carlson Goes There: Democrats Are to Blame for Police Being Attacked

Tucker Carlson Goes There: Democrats Are to Blame for Police Being Attacked
Brodigan - September 15, 2020 at 08:17AM

Over the past few days, there have been two major police-related stories. One was the typical story of cops defending themselves and being attack by the left for doing so. The other one was two cops as the victims of an assassination attempt (see PROTESTS ERUPT AFTER OFFICER SHOOTS A MAN. EXCEPT HE CHASED THE COP WITH A KNIFE! and TWO AMBUSHED LA COPS ARE 'FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES' WHILE BLACK LIVES MATTER CELEBRATES). SPOILER: None of the anti-cop side of these two stories are Trump supporters or even undecided independent voters. This is who the left has become, and as Tucker Carlson lays out, none of us should be surprised.

JUSTIFIED Shooting = Lancaster RIOTS!? | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

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