Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Liberals Attacked Amy Coney Barrett for Adopting Black Children, and the Hodgetwins Aren't Having It!

Liberals Attacked Amy Coney Barrett for Adopting Black Children, and the Hodgetwins Aren't Having It!
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 07:09AM

There have been some pretty unhinged attacks from the left on Amy Coney Barrett. There have been some pretty unhinged attacks from the left claiming all the things are racist (see CNN CALLS MT. RUSHMORE RACIST, PROVING DONALD TRUMP RIGHT ABOUT THEM and COMEDIAN LOOKS AT HOW RACISTS AND WOKE LIBERALS ARE ACTUALLY BFFS). Dr. Ibram X Kendi managed to combine the two. If you are unfamiliar with Kendi, he's the new black guy that white liberals invite on cable news to make them feel bad about themselves. He also thinks future Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett is racist for *checks notes* adopting black children. The Hodgetwins are not amused and not having it. As should anyone who isn't a complete assclown.

The part where the guy who literally wrote the book How to Be an Antiracist has RICHARD F'N SPENCER yelling "right on, brother" over this unhinged attack against the Barrett family is really all you need to know. I would like to think Kendi's opinion is his and his alone, but I spend too much time on Twitter and know it's not. Adopting children, if you are of one color and the child is of another color, is now racist according to the left. Everyone who now invites Kendi on their cable news show or to speak at their college condones that judgment. Those are the rules.

from Steven Crowder Says