Wednesday, September 30, 2020

FLASHBACK: Here's Joe Biden Saying He'll Probably Be Dead in 2020

FLASHBACK: Here's Joe Biden Saying He'll Probably Be Dead in 2020
Brodigan - September 30, 2020 at 01:46PM

This is funny for two reasons. One, then-Sen. Biden was discussing Supreme Court seats, and we're on the cusp of Donald Trump placing his THIRD justice on the bench, replacing what's-her-face with The Glorious ACB (see MITCH MCCONNELL TORCHES THE MEDIA'S ANTI-RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY AGAINST AMY CONEY BARRETT, AND HE HAS RECEIPTS! and THIS LEFTIST MELTDOWN OVER RUTH BADER GINSBURG IS A HYSTERICAL PREVIEW OF WHAT'S TO COME). Two, it's 2020 now and Biden is still technically alive as they try to Weekend at Bernie's him across the finish line and to the White House.

Such a young, vibrant Joe. As opposed to the guy we see now, who looks like he's barely awake half the time. The man who can barely string together sentences and regularly confuses bartenders with Teddy Kennedy. Joe Biden, who when you question his cognitive ability will tell you he doesn't know what you're talking about. No, really. "What are you talking about? Who are you? And what happened to the black guy I used to hang out with?" If only Biden knew what the rest of us know now.

So cheers to you, Joe Biden. You've made it all the way to 2020. Physically. Mentally, the jury is still out.

from Steven Crowder Says